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將不具營養成分的物質吞食的行為稱為異嗜癖,但它不一定是不好的。貓咪有可能因為飲食的匱乏或探索行為受限而吃一些植物或草; 尤其是幼貓,因處於發展探索行為的年齡,對陌生物品產生興趣而出現啃咬,但不一定吞食的行為。






The ingestion of non-nutritive substances is known as pica. However, it is not always abnormal. The eating of plant material may be due to lack of access to grass or vegetation or normal investigatory behavior. Young cats especially, may chew, but not necessarily ingest, non-food substances as part of their normal exploratory behavior.


Cats have been reported to ingest may substances including such things as soil, rubber, paper, wood, string, house plants, wool or fabric. Individual cats tend to ingest one type of substance only. Often these behaviors are more annoying than damaging until they start interfering with the animal's normal functioning. 


This behavior is reportedly more common in oriental breeds such as Siamese and Burmese, although it has been reported in all breeds including crossbreeds. The behavior is also reported to occur anytime from 2-8 months of age to 1-2 years of age, and more common in cats that are entirely indoors.



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