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Spraying is a marking behavior, often associated with anxiety. It may be territorial, sexual, or agonistic. In multi cat households it is associated with overt or covert aggression.


It is estimated that 10% of castrated males and 5% of spayed females spray. Spraying appears to be more common in multi-cat households with a 100% chance of at least one cat spraying in a household with more than 10 cats. 


Cats that spray usually stand, but may squad, usually produce a small quantity of urine, frequently use vertical surfaces but may use horizontal surfaces and rarely scratch afterwards.


Predisposing factors include medical conditions ranging from those associated with the urogenital system such as renal calculi, renal failure, cystitis, viral diseases such as FIV and FeLV to impacted anal glands. It is reported that up to 30% of cats that present for spraying may have a concurrent medical condition.


Territorial, agonistic encounters or any highly arousing circumstances such as environmental stimuli (e.g. the sight, sound and/or smell of another cat, within the household as well as outside) may be associated with spraying.


Anxiety related problems including separation anxiety, changes in routine for example moving house, the introduction of a new spouse, new baby or new cat in the area have also be implicated.

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